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생활방식의 변화, 여백으로 해결한 소형아파트인테리어

by Chloe.k 2021. 7. 4.

40년 된 노후 아파트를 개조한  69m² (약 20평) 소형아파트인테리어.

이 아파트는 1979년 일본의 전형적인 가족 아파트 계획을 바탕으로 지어진 노후된 아파트이다.

건축가는 재택근무를 하고 손님을 초대하기를 좋아하는 고객을 위해 다양한 생활방식을 충족하도록 계획하였다. 방 3개짜리의 아파트의 벽을 허물어 넓은 공터와 같은 공간으로 개조하고 빛과 바람이 통과할 수 있도록 했다.

아파트 전체 길이에 걸쳐있는 큰 벽장을 만들어 탁 트인 공간을 유지하되 욕실, 침실 등 사적 공간을 분리하고, 오픈된 공간에서 정돈되면서도 충분한 수납공간을 제공하였다. 미송합판으로 제작된 이 거대한 벽장은 공간을 분리하는 가벽 역할을 하면서도 안락한 느낌의 하나의 오브제로도 역할을 하고 있다. 미송합판에 광택을 추가하여 반사되는 표면은 공간이 확장되어 보이면서도 깊이감을 느낄 수 있다. 

마감이 덜 된듯한 Raw 한 노출 콘크리트 마감은 시폰 소재의 커튼과 대조되어 각자의 개성을 더욱 돋보이게 하고 독특한 긴장감을 조성한다.

이 소형아파트인테리어는 과거의 생활방식에서 벗어나 새로운 미래 생활방식을 고민하여, 그 시대의 가치, 관습, 생활방식을 충족하도록 계획되어 있다. 

"방"을 기반으로 하는 전형적인 아파트를 해체한 "장소"로서의 역할을 하는 미래 아파트이다. 

이것을 위해 "여백"을 사용하였고, 가구를 이용하여 고객이 원하는 장소로서의 요구를 충족시킬 수 있도록 하였다.

요즘 사람들이 꿈꾸는 다목적 인테리어가 바로 이런 게 아닐까.




건축가가 제공한 텍스트에 글쓴이의 의견을 더한 내용입니다.






 This is a renovation of a 40-year old apartment in Tokyo. All rooms had sufficient light and wind from many windows along south and north walls facing wide streets. We converted the three-bedroom apartment into a large open space and let light and wind pass through in order to make the best use of the environment. In an open plan space, we need to consider how to locate spaces involving privacy including a bathroom and bedrooms and how to provide enough storage spaces.
Our solution was to provide a large closet spanning the entire width of the room. We removed all partitions and made a large floor area to maintain some "margin" and a sense of spaciousness. Large furniture divides the space according to daily functions and loosely defines a "place" for life, not "rooms".
We focused on how to integrate the large piece of furniture into daily life. Reflective finishes are applied on the surface on which daily scenes are reflected and diffused light is reflected to illuminate the space. Closet doors are slightly angled to create subtle gaps in between so that the impression changes according to the viewing angle. The ceiling and walls are left as they are. Instead of applying new finishes, lace curtains hung along the entire width of the walls serve as new "finishes" creating vivid contrasts with the existing walls.
Delicate qualities of details and finishes stand out and a unique feeling of tension between the old and new is generated by keeping the existing state. We envisioned a future house. A house reflects its social context and is planned to meet values, customs, and lifestyles of the time. To think about a future house is to imagine future society and lifestyles. This apartment was built in 1979 based on a typical family apartment plan in Japan. Our clients wanted to have a flexible living environment allowing for various activities such as inviting guests and working.
A typical apartment plan centered around a space combining a dining room and kitchen, which started 40 years ago in Japan, is no longer effective and needs to be updated to meet diverse demands of today's society. In this project, we intend to deconstruct a typical apartment based on a "room" and reconstruct it as a "place." Our focus was on how to incorporate the surrounding environment and envision lifestyles in the new era.
The space should be flexible to respond to changes in family structure and the key is to provide some "margin" allowing for possible changes in the future. An open-floor space provides a sufficient "margin" and furniture can be effectively used to utilize the "margin." In this way, we can propose unique solutions to meet various demands of clients. By exploring a future house, we acknowledged unmeasurable values of spaces that cannot be evaluated based on conventional standards such as the floor area or the price per unit area. Deconstruction/reconstruction of evaluation criteria is a crucial factor in evolution of houses.


Text description provided by the architects. 




Office Shogo Onodera

OSOでは現在設計スタッフを募集しています。 We are currently recruiting for architects.



House of Wind and Light by Office Shogo Onodera


Architects: Office Shogo Onodera
Area: 69 m²
Year: 2018
